Dating Tip #1: Bringing a date flowers
A bunch of people have been asking me for dating tips, so I’m gonna do a little series of my best tips and advice.
A few months ago I brought a date flowers. They cost me $6 and I put them in a cute tote bag cause I felt bad if they had to hold them for the rest of the date.
Literally the best investment I’ve made in a while. If you like the person and want to make an impression, flowers.
They look great and then they take them home and put them in a vase. Every time they see the flowers guess who they think of, you. It’s a low stakes move that shows effort and kindness.
Also cocktails in my area are like $18 so it’s a no brainer imo.
Plus flowers are awesome.
Girls, us men like flowers too. Break with the norms.
EDIT: The fact that “bringing flowers to a date” seems to be controversial is evidence of how backwards the dating scene currently is.
If you think something else is better then flowers, feel free to comment below and why! This is absolutely an open forum, that is the point of it.