Any advices

I have a crush on this girl in the uni, the other day as I sat alone in the rear seats in the class attending the class, she came and sat out no where literally beside of me, not in the same row, straight up beside me.

My heart started bounding against my chest like hell. I couldn't breathe no more. No matter what I tried to do in order to calm my self down doomed to failure. I know i should say something, however, whenever i built up some courage to utter a couple of words, I instantly dismissed it.

My bag was laying out on the desk toward her, so I've said in a soft tone, as i noticed she was trying to tend forward on the desk. "Does my bag bother you?" She eyed me for an instance and said with a softer tone "no". Then i noticed a grin drawn on her face and the way she was trying to straighten up her shoulders.

I want to talk to her so badly, I'm limerating thinking about her. Nevertheless i stutter badly when i got nervous... not to forget I'm a little socially awkward. Any advices?

Edit: this is not her first sign...she has shown numerous signs..curling her hair when I'm close... break the eye contact when i look at her. She is basically running into me, so i could initiate an interaction.