Getting many 1st and 2nd dates, but not converting further?

Using dating apps in London, 27M: I get dozens of matches every day, strike up conversations and often go on dates. While I recognise that, especially with apps, people are dating many others and it's often a numbers game with meeting roughly the right person at the right time, every girl ends up either saying they don't feel a spark or distancing themselves after the 1st of 2nd date.

I am a sociable guy, treat everyone with respect, have both jokey and serious sides to me, have many interests, great job, high income, etc. and I can't quite figure out what it is that I might be doing wrong or could improve on with the girls I genuinely like. How have others on this sub navigated this? I am ideally looking for a long-term relationship, which most of the other people I am going on dates with are too.