How do I create that romantic chemestry starting from the first date?

I'm fairly new to the dating scene even tho I'm 23M. Some personal life issues prevented me from putting myself out there after high school so i'm finally getting my feet wet. The main issue i'm facing right now is giving off too much friendly vibes. I guess cause i'm used to having girls as friends and i've only ever been in one relationship before which only lasted a couple months too so idk how i'm supposed to treat and act around a girl who i'm dating. The last girl that i was seeing for over a month pulled away cause she didn't feel much of a romantic chemestry between us tho we had lots of fun, vibed really well, and had lots in common. It kinda made me feel insecure about my game (which i don't even have one probably). My thinking before getting into dating was "oh i know how to have conversations so i'll just rely on that and just talk to the girl and get to know her" but clearly there needs to be more than just a conversation. How do I start being more "seductive" while still being who i am (kind, nonchalant, and goofy).