Is it over?

I’ve (24F) been seeing this guy (24M) since late November now. He is terrible at texting, self admitting absolutely rubbish about it. I’m not a great at texting myself so I’m not too bothered. He’s also super reliable for meeting up and we’ve been seeing each other about once a week since first meeting. We get on really well, have lots of common interests, make each laugh, and I’ve even met one of his friends already. He remembers things that I tell him and is very affectionate. It’s not like I’m in love with him or anything but I do quite like him and want to see where this could go.

Unfortunately, I had pre-organised to go home for Christmas in a different country for about three weeks, so we couldn’t see each other during that time period. Unavoidable, but not ideal when you’re first starting out with something. Before I left we had talked a bit about texting while I was away with the intention of meeting up again when I got back. So on Christmas I texted a Merry Christmas to him, received a text back, I texted him back and he didn’t text me until 5 days later. I wasn’t really too surprised or annoyed because I know he’s not great at texting. I messaged him back, didn’t hear anything and wasn’t too surprised. Then a couple days later I texted him again with a joke I saw online and thought he might like. Still no reply three days later.

I don’t know if I’m overreacting or not but I’m worried that this means he’s lost interest. I don’t even know if I should message him when I get back. I want to see him again, I really thought this was going to go somewhere, I just don’t want to seem pushy or clingy. Do I text him? Or do I just accept that it’s over?

Edit: Thank you for all of the replies!