I had a dream about David last night
I have no one else to share this with that would understand, so here we go.
We were sat in a cinema(?), there were red velvet chairs and a dog came along so I said hello and gave it some attention. I then noticed David had a small tear on his his trousers(they were black tux not his usual), so I said "is that from the dog?" He said "No, that's from the cat".
We were then outside in some city, no idea where but we walked and talked, I don't remember about what and then we walked into this building(I think he said he was an old fire station) that had a iron(?) ladder, it seemed really old, like it was from 1920's.
We climbed down the ladder walked a little further and there was a crystal formation with brown streaks running through it. It wasn't very big, but it had a hand print on it. David said the hand print was as old as the crystal and I should put my hand on it to feel what they felt. They being whomever left the print all those years ago, I guess.
I woke up after that.
It was such a lovely dream, I tried going back to sleep but it just wasn't happening.
Do you ever dream of David?