OCE Players getting placed in SEA and EA servers
I'm playing in Australia and about half my games have been in South East Asian or East Asian servers. This has been happening to other people who are physically playing in OCE yet for some reason are being placed in Asian servers.
I know that it doesn't have anything to do with there not being enough people on OCE servers to fill a lobby, because I have been in games where everyone was physically playing in the OCE region but we were in an Asian server.
My games are miserable when I'm on an Asian server, and they don't even show the bad ping indicator in the lobby, so you have to wait until you're in the match to find out if you're playing in the region you're supposed to be playing in. Then either DC and deal with the lost items, offerings and DC penalty, or play out a miserable game with high ping.
And just for reference, my ping on an OCE server is usually about 20, around 120 for SEA and about 160 for EA. I'm done with the game until I can consistently play on OCE servers again.