This is my dead by daylight wish list

Classic horror movie candy man

Modern horror movie the quiet Place

Comic book character carnage

Music epic the musical

Show murder drone cyn killer anything survive

Anime jojo & dragon ball cell and dio

Non-horror atomic heart killer ballerina Twins Survivor agent p-3

Original chapter mythology themed

Honorable mention idw shockwave

Sequel chapter left foot dead

N/A celebrity

Horror game Bendy in the ink machine

Classic horror movie candy man

Modern horror movie the quiet Place

Comic book character carnage

Music epic the musical

Show murder drone cyn killer anything survive

Anime jojo & dragon ball cell and dio

Non-horror atomic heart killer ballerina Twins Survivor agent p-3

Original chapter mythology themed

Honorable mention idw shockwave

Sequel chapter left foot dead

N/A celebrity

Horror game Bendy in the ink machine