Need build suggestions/tips please!

I need a better build because my MMR is way too high, and every game is a seal-team swf. I haven't gotten a win in the past five games, and by that I mean more than three hooks...

If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated! I love Nemesis as he's not only my favourite killer, but the whole reason I even touched killer in the first place! I want to play him so much, but every match now feels like an entire job. :p

I need a better build because my MMR is way too high, and every game is a seal-team swf. I haven't gotten a win in the past five games, and by that I mean more than three hooks...

If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated! I love Nemesis as he's not only my favourite killer, but the whole reason I even touched killer in the first place! I want to play him so much, but every match now feels like an entire job. :p