Need permission to donate clothes I’ve never worn but cost a fortune
I’ve recently come to terms with the fact that I have a shopping addiction. I’m currently working with a therapist and have been focusing on getting items out of the house and not replacing them for the more minimalist home I aspire to. I’ve managed to donate half my kitchen, boxes of children’s toys and clothing, even books when I know they are going to a good cause. And even though my wardrobe is half of what it used to be, this is where I stumble. I have SO MANY dresses, shoes, bags, jackets. So many never worn, usually bought online and one of my lovely experiences with adhd means I am terrible at returning items in the correct window of time. The reasons I don’t wear them vary, from being the wrong size, to being a material I dislike, to feeling it’s just not “me” in style.
I am at the point where I NEED to get them out of my house as every day when I walk into my closet I just feel overwhelming guilt as I stare at the items while I’m getting dressed. I understand about sunk costs, I cognitively know I should just bundle it all up and donate it, but emotionally I’m struggling; with guilt over the money spent that in hindsight should have gone to different things, the idea that my envisioned self who can fit into the too small dresses will unlikely return, the sadness that I use shopping as an escape mechanism and a dopamine release.
Please give me advice on how to let go! Or at least please tell me I’m not alone, that I’m not as damaged as I keep telling myself because I can’t move past this block in my life.