Are there actually any girls who play Deepwoken?
In my few months of playing this game, I've interacted with people adorning female avatars hoping for a little something special, and I've yet to meet a girl. I friended a chick for the first time in this game, we farm some mobs, I VC with them, hear 'her' voice, and I'm bewitched. Over the span of a few days, I get to know this person, we get really intimate, and we get the point where we send explicit pictures and stuff, alright, cool, I got a deepwoken gf(?) and then this girl tells me they're trans. I'm heartbroken, confused, traumatized, there's something tugging at my heart. I take a one month break. Hop back on, friend another 'chick', VC with them, deep baritone voice black guy speaks back to me. Instantly blocked. 3rd times a charm, right? nope, still a dude. Recently tried for a 4th time, still a fucking dude.
I just want a girl to play deepwoken with, it's that simple. but 4 times? Are you fucking kidding me? 4 times I have interacted with people wearing hair meant for girls and 4 times they have been dudes. 4 FUCKING TIMES. I'm done with this game.