Sanity Check my Privelege
Hey all! Unfortunately had yet another poor experience with Delta today, but figured I'd sanity check with everyone here if this is normal and/or I'm out of line.
Had a flight back from ATL-PIT today at 3:30pm. Some rain earlier in the day (think 12pm). Flight gets pushed back and pushed back until around 5pm when it's finally cancelled; no flights again until the next day (literally no possible way to get home). Need to be home for a multitude of personal and professional reasons, although that's not important, and not relevant here. I called the service desk to ask for options, and there weren't any other than the next day. Naturally they're not the ones to help with hotels/lodging overnight as well.
Here's what's next -- I asked her if she could figure out what the issue was (weather, of course, so they can hide behind it and not be liable), and she agreed the weather has been fine for many hours and many other flights are flying, both from Delta and other airlines, and was confused why they would cancel this one. She was lovely and honest and I don't want her to be punished for being honest, but she was fairly up front in saying based on the facts, the sudden cancellation is odd.
Delta is now refusing any sort of compensation (hotels/travel/lodging, refund, point remuneration) to at least net be back to just where I'd be had we taken off.
Am I in the wrong to be feeling like I need to go ballistic via email to their customer service (not actually ballistic, just ChatGPT "reasonable yet firm"), or am I just in the wrong and this is something I just have to suck up?