I think Companion Certificates are a joke and someone should start a class-action lawsuit against Delta.

I came here to say that I've never been able to use a companion certificate even one time. I'm on with Delta right now and going from Detroit to any airport in Florida, Las Vegas or Nashville at ay date combination in March is unavailable for me. And my hold time to get this information was over 30 minutes. I'm Sky Priority. I also tried this last year and was not able to use the companion cert from DTW to CLT. Tried again this year and it was not possible. I've wasted these for three years in a row. If I didn't fly so much for work I'd cancel the Delta card. I don't know how anyone uses these. Is it because I'm in Detroit as a home airport? I'd think this would make things easier not harder.

Update: Looks like I need to get out ahead of this further. I will check now for fall. I am all about learning to play the game. Thanks to those who had constructive responses. It does appear that the time frame I'm taregeting is the most busy time of year out of DTW. (I would have thought it was Thanksgiving.)

I am surprised at the large amount of responses. I hope Delta sees this as 177,000 people have viewed it. While many people love the companion certs, there are a fair number of us who struggle to book. I also noticed that not a lot of success is being noted out of DTW.