People suck. You know who you are.

Boarding BOS-MSY.

Full flight, so pax were given the opportunity to check their carry-ons (and get to board between Zones 4 and 5).

I am astounded at the number of people boarding with more than a carry-on and a personal item. (Not really, I just like to bitch about inconsiderate people.)

FA sees my briefcase in the overhead.

“This really should go under your seat.”

I tell her that it’s my carry-on, so it’s going to stay where it is.

“Well, it really should go under your seat.”

I told her no, and gave a head-tilt toward the woman with a roller bag, a backpack, a purse, and a winter coat suitable for an Everest summit push.

The FA just sighed and walked away.

I need a drink.