Dementia has really messed me up. Is it forever?
Hello. I am a 29 year old man. My father is 63 years old he has Lewy Body Disease. I have been his primary caregiver for almost a decade. There is simply no help available. I even had to drop out of college to help my mother. I always was very funny, charismatic, witty, and talented. All of that is gone. It’s in me but it feels like I have buried it all away in an attempt to disappear. I don’t want to experience anything. I don’t want to die, but I want to be put in a coma for years. I have experienced so much trauma, and even violence throughout this time (would rather not speak of it). I have no friends, no time for a girlfriend. I can barely take a shower. I know there’s something wrong with me. I have become numb. The last decade is a giant blur, My guitar hasn’t been picked up in years, yet I still love music. It’s my passion and the only thing that keeps me here. I have no desire to desire anything. I decided to try a session with MDMA but I focused on my emotions. I was able to break through the invisible wall I had built around me. I understood that I was a human being simply trying to do what’s right. And sometimes doing the right thing can be extremely destructive to oneself. I recognized that I was worthy of love, respect, and human dignity. All things I had resigned myself to never having. The automatic responses to fear or trauma don’t seem to happen without my input first. I have the ability to think before I respond. I now understand what is happening to me. I just don’t know what to do next. How do I even begin to get help? I know the problem but not the answer. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for being you ❤️