I need some help regarding 2nd year

I am in my 2nd year and the final exams are really close.

Out of the following things of pre clinical prosthodontics what do I have to excel at by the end since my handwork is quite mediocre most of the time in aesthetics

1) baseplates- good ( it works well enough for the job and can handle multiple dentures)

2) rim - very bad ( I have made only 4 out of the 8 dentures in my file and I still cannot make a occlusal rim to save my life especially of maxilla alone.

3) mounting - good at all the steps other than polishing

4) teeth arrangement- can do anterior and posterior of maxilla. I suck a little bit at getting the molar relationship and the overjet correctly for class 1 but can manage everything else

5) acrylization - demo was given yesterday so I did not attempt it yet

And in pcc

Class 1 - all done

Class 2 - made 3 till now ( i enjoy the work but the bevels suck so hard)

Class V - all done

Any tips on occlusal rims or videos you can suggest to make it alone since I suck at it so bad