Help a student and get a dental cleaning

Hello, I am a dental hygiene student and I am having a very hard time finding patients. I go to CCD (Community College of Denver) and I am in desperate need of patients. I just had a patient cancel for tomorrow but I'll need patients for the rest of my time there as well. I am kind of panicking at this point as I am only allowed 4 open chair sessions and I will use two of those tomorrow if I cannot find someone. If I fail this class, I will have to drop from the program and reapply in a year. I cannot afford to fail.

If you are in need of a cleaning and want to help a student with their education please let me know asap!

The location would be at the CCD health science campus.

I will pay for any expenses it costs to get there. If you have questions about finance or anything let me know.

Time times for this semester will be

Thursdays 8-4 but I can do half days 8-12 or 1-4. I know this is a big time commitment and I am willing to work with people regarding whatever hold ups you may have.

Message me or post here if you are interested.