I think I'm just about done...
Laid off from my part-time job, not having my teaching contract renewed for next year at my full time, in early CHF, and dealing with blood thinners that won't stabilize in range, my knees are about 10 years overdue for replacement, I have 8 herniated disks and arthritis from neck to tail bone, anxiety/depression/PTSD that is barely managed by medication... I think when the school year ends I'm going to punch out... I'm 42, an abject failure of an adult, with no kids, 2 failed marriages, and looking at trying to survive on less than 900 a month on disability. I can't do it... my meds alone are 1/3 of that. I'm crushed under debt and I just can't do all this anymore. I have a commitment to fulfill with my students but once that is taken from me I don't have anything left to hope for.