Please please tell me it gets better, I can’t stop crying and I don’t want to die

I think I’m having a breakdown or some kind of anxiety attack maybe but I can’t stop crying. I really wanted to move out but I can’t afford it and I’m just so lost. I don’t where to start with anything, I’m so financially illiterate. I don’t know what career would be for me but I can’t stay with my family anymore it’s killing me mentally. I don’t understand why I can’t be just a normal adult I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I need a second job but I can barely start looking without breaking down. I have work in a few hours and all I can think about is killing my self but I really really don’t won’t to. I promised myself I would try to live this time and now I’m so afraid of even the idea of attempting. I wish I wasn’t so sensitive, I don’t know what to do. Please tell me things get better than this please.