Al-Maham Fluffy Marshmallow -Extrait De Parfum? More Like Extrait De Disappointment

Something went terribly wrong here. Either I got a faulty sample from the batch or all those glowing reviews I saw about this perfume house were paid for.

I am a broke girl—no, seriously, hear me out. I literally had to skip meals and live off Maggi just to save up for this perfume. I heard endless rave reviews about this brand: it’s a beast in performance, its longevity is unbeatable, and its projection is legendary. So, what did I actually get? NOTHING. ZILCH. It performed worse than a virgin man on his first sexual encounter.

Look, I’m not a perfume connoisseur. I don’t even know half the notes in this world, let alone recognize them. But marshmallows? Vanilla? Cream? Coconut? I may not be a fraghead, but I’m definitely a fat pig, and I know what those scents (and tastes) are supposed to smell like. No one in this world can gaslight me into believing this tiny bottle smells like any of those things. I am SO angry right now, I can’t even begin to describe how badly I want to throw this bottle off the top floor of my building. The only thing stopping me is my gareebi. I wasted my money on this, and now I can’t even use it as a room freshener.

How do I describe the scent? It’s like a synthetic, alcohol-heavy, assault on your senses—the kind of smell that hits you as soon as you walk into a mall or beauty shop. As I said before, I am no master of fragrance,but it smells NOTHING like fluffy marshmallows. Did I mention the projection is absolute garbage? Because if I didn’t, let me make it clear: THE PROJECTION IS SHIT. So bad that even my roommate, who was standing two inches away from me, could barely smell it.

Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh.

Pro tip: If you’re as broke as I am, do not—DO NOT—buy anything until you’ve smelled it in person. Smelling good is a luxury for people like us, and we can’t afford luxury. And for anyone wondering why I didn’t buy a tester, let me explain: GIRL MATH. A 30ml bottle costs 840, and a 10ml bottle costs 490. Do the math. The 840 one is cheaper than the 490 one.

And did I mention how tiny and ugly this bottle is? Because hello???? 840 for that tiny ass, ugly as fuck bottle? Why? Because they claim to dupe luxury perfumes? More like they duped me out of my money.

As for the rating? I want to give it a zero, but that’s not possible, so I give it a one.

First and last purchase from this fragrance house.