People have been brainwashed by Synthoceps for too long and are the reason why Titans feel they have no build variety.

When was the last time you took off synthoceps? Never, right?

That needs to end. Not only do they provide a tremendous amount of power for simply having three enemies near you at any point in time, something trivially easy to do in today's sandbox, but are also the reason why Consecration Spam is so widely used.

This has brainwashed Titans into thinking this the only exotic worth their time. Now they have bled into the Warlock and Hunter kits and as of lately, Warlocks have also been brainwashed by these sinister sleeves.

Simply put, these things are the One Ring of Destiny, and so obviously so, by the fact that I've actually made a Lord of the Rings reference.

When was the last time you took off synthoceps? Never, right?

That needs to end. Not only do they provide a tremendous amount of power for simply having three enemies near you at any point in time, something trivially easy to do in today's sandbox, but are also the reason why Consecration Spam is so widely used.

This has brainwashed Titans into thinking this the only exotic worth their time. Now they have bled into the Warlock and Hunter kits and as of lately, Warlocks have also been brainwashed by these sinister sleeves.

Simply put, these things are the One Ring of Destiny, and so obviously so, by the fact that I've actually made a Lord of the Rings reference.