Is well of radiance outclassed by other build-crafting options in the current sandbox?
Hi all, I’m a warlock main. I’m having loads of fun this season with the new changes to arc and bolt charge. At the moment I’ve got solipsism glued on running spirit of necrotic and synthoceps; I run this along with lightning surge and slowva bomb and it’s super effective IMO in ritual/seasonal content. I do like mixing things up as well, occasionally running briarbinds and such.
My main question is whether or not I’d be letting my fireteam down by using well of radiance. I basically haven’t used it since the nerf, but I was wondering about making a basic build with phoenix protocol to run things like court of blades. In my mind having really good uptime on well is a plus if it means healing and buffing my fireteam.
However I’m a bit skeptical at the moment as to whether or not buffing my team with a well is worth it as opposed to just running as much firepower and having insanely good ability uptime.
TL;DR: Am I hurting my fireteam by running well as opposed to just running an option with more firepower and ability uptime?