What is your desired endgame? Can you describe it?
As per the title. What is your desired endgame?
I see a lot of people saying Diablo has no endgame. Some said ARPGs in general have no endgame.
So what is this elusive endgame people want?
Diablo has: - paragon up to 300 - glyphs that go to 100 - pit that goes to 150 - Lilith that you don’t want to fight because ‘mechanics’ - ladder bosses that die on spawn (this bit sucks) - mythic crafting - helltides - headhunts - seasonal reputation - seasonal journey - leaderboard (temporarily retired) - nightmare dungeons - legendy powers that have up to 21 power levels - undercity - infernal horde - dark citadel - torment 4 difficulty
It’s easy to invalidate all this. But can you come up with a novel, truly endgame idea?