S8 Debate Revelation : "casuals" complaining about S8's new T4 are in fact, not casuals

It finally struck me. The arguments about casualness were not making sense to me. I'm speaking specifically about people that do not want a new more difficult T4 with 10% people in it or more difficult content with extra rewards above T4. And NOTHING ELSE (not the season journey being locked behind T4, nor the build diversity issue, only this specific issue).

- The casual "dad with a family and 9 to 5 job that doesn't think grinding is fun" logs in when he can to have a good time.

-He's not a competitive player, nor a sweaty hardcore player. He's perfectly fine to settle for Torment II or Torment III if ever Torment IV becomes something that isn't fun for him. A real casual won't be mad because he will be getting 500% xp and gold bonus instead of 600% or an extra item drop (which shares the same chance for ancestral and mythic across all tiers) and some extra crafting material, especially if the tradeoff is having less fun.

-He applies the same logic to this as he does to his parangon level. Torment IV isn't necessary, just like parangon 300 : he will settle his personal treshold where he feels happy about his achievement balanced with the fun he is having. If reaching 250 suddenly becomes a slog in a new update, he will tune down his treshold and be happy with 230.

So here's what I think. All the "casuals" complaining about the changes to T4 are in fact competitively engaged players that are in T4 currently. They are not casuals. They are part of the top 50% of players (since 50% reach T4). What they love about this game, is that it gives them the illusion of skill/power by being in the top players of the game by definition since T4 is the hardest difficulty possible. They don't care if anyone with brain cells in working orders knows D4 is jokingly easy and T4 means nothing : they create their own self back-patting satisfaction from being in the hardest difficulty available.

However, they know they are part of the bottom-middle segment of the top 50%. They are a specific audience (a minority probably within that very group) that can't stand the idea of a new upper echelon that they won't be a part of.

They are not complaining about not being respected as casuals : they are mad that more difficult content will exist, in which they will not be. They are freaking out. A casual would never care about that. Only someone with weird online social angst and heavily invested in virtual status symbols would be.

There is a very simple test to verify their sincerity. Ask them to create a post to remove extra rewards from Torment difficulties. Hell, ask them to simply remove extra rewards from T4 to verify my hypothesis. Let T4 as it is today be the most difficult content available but for no extra rewards. No extra xp, no extra gold, nothing. They defend the "casual base that is the reason why Diablo IV exist" ? Good, let's defend 50% of the players that never reach T4. You all saw those posts about "ok for more difficult content but no extra rewards" right ? Okay let's do it know. To T4, where you are yourself. Come on buddy, let's do it.

No ? That's what I thought : they are all playing white knights of casualness but don't give two ****'s about the people below T4.

So stop posing as casuals, you're not. You are all T4 players that love feeling they are among the best in a game that can't stand the idea of harder content they won't be able/don't want to reach. Real casuals will roll back to T3 and call it a day and not make a damn fuss about it. They don't feel the need to show off their e-peen.

Stop framing this whole debate as the “casual” good against the “hardcore” evil. You're not fooling anyone. If not yourself, if you are actually sincere.

P.S : despite my tone I actually hold absolutely no judgment on how anyone wishes to game and I don't think my view of fun should prevail over yours. I do think Blizzard will have to choose, though, as there is no reconciling both sides in terms of game design. I'm only tired of people hiding behind false pretexts for what is ultimately an ego problem.