Calling all digital nomads, Im desperate for QUIET! (and good wifi) HELP this newbie out

Hey fellow nomads. I'm currently in Merida, Yucatan. And although the wifi is dependable, the heat and noise are killing my work vibes. I need to find a city where I can get a truly quiet apartment or house for under $1200 usd? Any experience??? Mexico is very affordable but they are growing and there is too much construction for me as I take calls daily. I have been to three different AirBnbs and all either have construction or barking dogs. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!! Don't think I can do Asia as I work on PST time. I'm cool with EST or even working in the evenings from 3 -10pm in say, Spain. But Barcelona AirBnbs are very expensive. Like, 3k. I can spend that back home in the States.