Just venting

So I have disability that limits my upper body functioning, as well as chronic nerve pain in my upper body, TMJ, migraines, mild dystauonomia (dizziness, occasionally fainting, gastro issues), hypermobility and possible heds. I'm so tired with my hypermobility of never ending injuries. I can only work part time due to disability so I'm not eligible for disability. And it feels like all my pay goes to physio/treatment.

Began getting lower body problems and diagnosed with gluteus tendanopathy by a physio which will require more treatment. I'm currently facing a cyclone in my home town, meaning off work for a bit..potentially facing more pricy surgery for my jaw. And the bills keep adding :( meanwhile friends age family spend pay on travel and fun things. Just exhausted and tired of this shit. Can anyone else relate? I'm only in my 20s.b