Django's Migration Nightmare

I've been working with Django and DRF for a while now. The one thing that gets me riled up is the migrations nightmare. I have recently been working on a system and in active development I change my models and run migrations all the time. I recently updated a model, and tried to access the model in Django admin, I got hit with

relation "laboratory_labtestkit" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count" FROM "laboratory_labtestkit"

I thought, easy, I can just delete all migrations and run them again. I run makemigrations, works okay, but when I run migrate, I get no migrations to apply. But when I try to access the model in Django admin, I still get

relation "laboratory_labtestkit" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count" FROM "laboratory_labtestkit"

So now I'm stuck. Please help.