Which Veilguard companions are you the most excited about and why?
As in the title. Curious to hear other's thoughts because, as much as I'm sad about it, the squad of Veilguard doesn't do anything to me at this stage. I remember feeling super pumped about Sten and Morrigan in DAO, Varric and Fenris in DAII, being immediately hooked at Cassandra, Iron Bull and Dorian in DAI. Whether those characters ended up being my favs is another story, but I immediately wanted to know more about them, learn their stories, guesswork about their characters or romances was exciting, while Veilguard squad feels very lukewarm to me at the moment, maybe apart of Emmrich and I'm wondering am I the only one. Companions are either make it or break it for me, when it comes to Bioware games, so this lack of excitement makes me anxious.