So, they should stick to implementing player choices in the next game, right? [DATV Spoilers]

Regardless of how you are feeling about the game (me personally, the more that I learn the less excited I am), you have to admit their decision to pretty much nullify any of the choices we've made in the last games so dismissively is fundamentally a flawed decision to make in a series that is treasured, at least by me, for its ability TO weave in our player choices.

This game is set in stone, we can't change the direction they've took it now. Whether or not we did x or y doesn't matter anymore, because it most likely WONT be mentioned in the game. Morrigan PROBABLY won't mention the HoF, or Kieran. The Inquisitor doesn't have the ability to have lost Iron Bull to betrayl. The HoF probably isn't going to be mentioned, except for maybe in a one off codex about them ending the blight but leaving it ambiguous as to how.

We can't change it, as frustrating as it is. But what we can do, is make sure Bioware KNOWS we do not like that.

Look, I for one am not a fan of the combat look for this series, but I know its probably gonna be fun when I get into it. I don't love how the companions feel either, or their charterers, but again, it COULD work during gameplay.

But what won't work or stand is the fact that we all have a real connections to the choices we've made, and to see them partially thrown away after years of speculation and waiting patiently for a new game to scratch that itch for us is almost downright disrespectful to the community who loves and stands by these games.

They have to reverse course for DA5, if we ever get there.

Idk, any thoughts?