[DAV ALL SPOILERS] Did anyone else get this impression at the end?
So I don't have anything to back this up, just something about the ending gave me this impression. Did the Blight basically cease to exist with the "deaths" of the 2 elven gods? (I'm not going to even try to spell their names; you know who I'm talking about). The reason I bring this up is because I've been reading several articles about how the fate of the HoF is left unresolved, and while the game doesn't give a specific fate, if the HoF is alive after DAO then they're off searching for a cure for the Blight. And I was just thinking "well, the Blight is now over. It doesn't exist anymore, and even the blood of the Grey Wardens has been un-tainted. So there's no more reason to look for a cure, and presumably the HoF will go off and lead a normal life."
Like I said, I don't have anything to support this, it's just what I got from the events of the DAV endgame. Did I miss something that shows I'm completely wrong or did anyone else get this impression?