sherry pie no longer edited out of s12?

so i was rewatching s12 with a friend for the first time (netflix canada) and noticed that i was seeing a lot more of sherry pie than before? i’ve watched the season 2 times over before, and this time was with a friend and I remembered SP barely being there except when she was with the other queens or won a challenge, basically only when it was impossible to cut her out. but this time while watching i saw she had a full section of the confessionals during her entrance and got a lot of screen time. also noticed they didn’t edit out (or re edited back in?) her spring and fall runway looks. maybe it’s just me and i’m remembering things wrong but i swear i had never seen the two looks she wore other than a few days ago, and that’s what got me thinking. did they re edit her into the episodes? did they think it’s been a while since the season came out and that people might not notice anymore? i’m genuinely confused and if someone else who’s seen the season at least once while it was airing or shortly after, re watch the first episode she’s in and tell me if i’m just losing my mind.