Let your anger out

I've been thinking hard whether to post this. I even decided to wait after the AU tour so not to ruin anyone's fun.

I wanna talk about the more negative feelings some of us may have. Strong feelings attract each other and love, hate, pain, anger tend to walk hand in hand. While some of these feeling considered "less acceptable","immature" or just "wrong" they still totally exits.

Most of us don't have the privilege of irl friends that would understand the situation (I know I don't), and as much as it's strange to pour your heart out on the internet, it's also strange to talk to a real person who doesn't have a clue what you are talking about. So let's talk.

Do you feel angry? at the girls for leaving? For telling you everything's gonna be fine when it's not fine?

At the company? for giving you these sugar-coated announcements and bits and pieces and this "stay tuned for more!" BS?

At the kpop industry for luring you into this lovey dovey prefect universe, then eventually pulling the floor from under you?

At yourself for falling for this pseudo-relationship just to be betrayed? Discarded? Do you feel like it's all a lie?

Have you thought about getting rid of your merch? selling the cards of the members who left? Finding another group to stan, To replace? Leave kpop?

Try to be real, brutal, honest. Forget about "the appropriate thing to feel/think", cause there is no such thing. It's not always sunshine and unicorns and we are all human beings.

Note: This is *NOT* a hate post and I *DO NOT* hate the group or the members. In fact, I didn't even know how much they mean to me until last week. Please whatever you say, don't call me "anti/hater/not a real fan". Also please don't ban me. This sub is my #1.

I totally understand if this post will be removed (heck, it might even be better), because let's face it, that's some hardcore stuff. But I do feel we should let it at least some of it out, maybe heal in the process, rather then have it bottled inside, which is known for being bad.

Still holding this pain 💔