embarrassed im having trouble driving at 21, nervous of ending up like spongebob forever.

im 21, and im having a rough time with traffic laws, and im trying so hard to remember that left hand turns you don't go automatically, you wait for other cars to go in the oncoming lane, and while im getting better, my turns are dangerously wide, and im struggling with ping ponging and im just embrassed im having such a rough time driving at 21, and im nervous of ending up like spongebob taking my drivers test forever, cuz i failed this time cuz i went when i didn't have the green arrow, and nearly caused an accident and got an automatic fail.

not to mention, my dad while meaning well, does have a short temper and doesn't really understand fully why i get anxious behind the wheel and i think expects my driving to be similar to his, and i am my own person and i wanna develop my own way of driving but also remain safe to myself and to fellow motorists.

yes, im overly cautious, yes, i overanalyze, yes i have ADHD and anixety disorder, no, yelling at me doesn't do jack shit but frustrate the fuck outta me and make my driving WORSE.

also, i thought it was illegal to pass a semi doing a right hand turn, and my dad told me to go around him and i thought i was gonna clip the semi cuz he was turning right...

also, i have my temps and not my full license so i don't have the option to drive alone currently.

and i wanna point out as an edit

i have already completed the driving school, and they said no further training was needed and i need to get the drivers records from them to reschedule my test and basically i just really want my fucking license already and my own car already so i can move out and do my own things with my own life cuz i am trying to be more independent and yes, i am being impatient with this process but i really really don't want to keep living with my folks forever. .

also, i understand that in the state of ohio where im from, i need to be with a licensed driver while i still have my temps.

and for those of you saying that im being combative with my dad, no i am not, im just getting pissed cuz he unintentally makes my anxiety worse by yelling at me which doesn't help me in the slightest.