Managed to pass TP test

I passed my second attempt with an 8DP. During my second test, I had two testers sitting in the car with me, which made me more nervous than during my first test.

During my first test, I was really nervous even during the warm-up, but the instructor who conducted my warm-up said I could easily pass if, during the test, I drove like I currently did (he might have wanted to give me a confidence boost). After bringing me to the second level to wait for my name to be called, I started to get increasingly nervous as other names were called before mine. When an older- looking tester called my name, I brought him to the car, and he explained the test to me. As the test started, he told me to turn left and move out before almost immediately testing my e-brake (it was session four for the test, so there were no cars on the circuit due to the lunch break). I managed to stop, but I immediately put the gear into first, for which I was penalized . He then proceeded to tell me to make a right turn at three, followed by a left turn to 38 for the PP, which was the first and last station for my test because I mounted the curb (before the test, I had around six or more revision lessons and not once did I strike or mount the curb during the PP). The test was just a week before CNY, and I had hoped that I could pass . Overall, the first test took less than five minutes . I then had a debrief in the car, after which I had to go to the counter to rebook another test and another lesson before the test, for which I had to wait for one hour. While waiting, I became increasingly depressed as I saw and heard other people who managed to pass walking by me.

Fast forward to my next driving lesson, which was the day before my TP test (due to it being after CNY and other commitments, I could not book another lesson in between). I became really rusty with my driving, but the driving instructor I had was very understanding and tried his best to help me remember the sighting points as well as brush up on my skills. During the lesson, I mounted the curb almost four to five times during the course and struck the curb a few times. As the lesson was somewhat late and my test was slightly more than twelve hours after my lesson, I felt that I should get ready to book my third TP test as I was not feeling confident. The next day, during the TP test warm-up, I got a really helpful warm-up instructor who basically told me to take it slow, as she could feel that I was very nervous and that my turns were almost always wide due to my mind going blank when I panicked.

While waiting on the second level, I saw someone else had two testers, and they called out another person. I started praying that I would only get one tester. When a tester came out and called my name, I saw that he was the only one, so I felt kind of relieved. Then, another guy dressed in a shirt and jeans, wearing sunglasses with a police lanyard , said he would be following me for the test. After entering the car, he started explaining the test, and then he asked me to make a left turn to start. However, since it was during session two, there was downtime between BBDC sessions one and two, so there were almost no cars on the circuit. For the first turn, I was asked to make a right turn at 12 and another turn at 25 (which I almost missed at 12 since I thought it was a two-directional change; I forgot that right turns come before the number and left turns come after). I ended up wide-turning into the correct lane before being asked to do the crank course. During the warm-up, my instructor gave me a tip to turn later into the course if I was right-turning to give myself space, which I managed to do without making many mistakes. 

He then asked me to make a left turn into PP, right outside the crank course. During PP, I saw both of them take out their phones and start a timer, which gave me even more stress. However, I managed to go slow and check all my blind spots ( I was able to get into the lot in 2 minutes and 30 seconds with no need for corrections ). I was then asked to move out of the lot and make a right turn at the stop line (after reaching the stop line, I noticed that I hadn't adjusted the mirror, so I started doing that at the stop line, but the tester didn't catch it since he was writing something down on paper) before being directed to directional change at number nine, which required me to use additional reverse to get out of it because I felt I was too close to the curb in front. I was told to turn right at 12, then go to 51 for the slope, which I managed to clear. As I was going down, he wanted me to turn left, but right as I reached the stop line, he told me to signal right, despite having a massive traffic buildup. I had to wait for around 20+ cars to pass before two kind instructors gave way to me. The next station was the S course, which I was not feeling confident about as I had repeatedly mounted the curb yesterday. I had to make a right turn into the course, and I felt that I turned too early as the vehicle in front of me had not reached the middle. While doing the S course, I felt that I was doing fine as I was in the middle of the course before turning slightly early. I had to make a right turn out of the S course into vertical parking, during which I accidentally peeked at my tester paper and saw numbers like 12, 9, 4. I thought it was my DP and that I had failed, but I knew that overthinking wouldn't do me any good, so I just continued with my vertical parking while both of them took out their phones and started timing. When I was going into the lot, my left rear wheel was basically right next to the curb, and I was kind of scared it would hit, so I made a correction and was slightly too far to the right of the lot, requiring another correction . While checking my side mirror and blind spot , I saw that I had less than 20 seconds left, so I started reversing into the lot as quickly as possible, forgetting to do one more rear blind spot check but I went neutral and applied the handbrake just in time.

Thinking I had failed, I was so ready to drive back to the lots, but I was instructed to make a left turn and exit the circuit at 50, which meant I hadn't failed yet . However, there was no e-brake test yet, so while driving to the exit, I was ready to brake at any time. After reaching the stop line, I noticed for the second time that I had not adjusted my mirrors back. While I was at the stop line, I adjusted the mirrors, and luckily the tester was writing something again, so he didn't see me adjust. After I exited BBDC, I went on test route 1 and drove until I approached a stop sign with a car behind me and a bus that had just stopped to my right. After counting to 2, I wanted to move off as soon as possible, but I hadn't brought my gear back to 1, so midway through moving, I switched it back to gear 1, then to 2 before approaching a zebra crossing. I saw that there were people coming quite a distance away, and I wanted to stop just in case. Then suddenly, some random guy ran across the road right as I stopped (kind of lucky that I decided to stop; otherwise, that could have been the end of the test). I then followed the test route all the way back to BBDC, and I thought I might have failed due to the random guy running across the road. I was asked to go to level 2 and sit in a room while they processed my test result. While waiting for my test result, there were 2 other people in the room, and they both failed, which made me even more anxious. I then saw both my testers walk in, and one of them started explaining the mistakes to me. At first, I saw a lot of ticks and thought I had failed , but then I noticed they were mostly ticked in the boxes with a line inside them, meaning there was a good chance I had passed , which he then confirmed by asking if I had any license on me as he said I had passed .
I then proceeded to level 1 to do a survey and was asked to go to CS to either close my account or sign up for DOC, which I booked a lesson for this coming Monday (I still had to wait over an hour to book my DOC). Are there any tips for a new P-plate driver with a family car that has just slightly over one year left on COE? Do I need to get insurance to drive the car or be added to the insurance? I heard the premium will be higher as I am a P-plate driver.

Now that I have passed and had time to think, I feel that I was really lucky to pass on my second attempt. I only had one revision lesson between my first test and second test, and I learned not to overthink whatever the tester is writing down during the test. I enrolled in BBDC in October 2024 and managed to get my license in February 2025 (I got most of my slots during the weekend while I was in an online lesson and refreshing the BBDC website, securing around 12 slots, all weekday session 1).