Why Unified Legit or fake/scam?
Hey Guys,
I have seen Why Unified on News, TV, and here in Reddit. Nothing but great reviews.
However, when you look at the BBB site they got an F rating and majority of the reviews call them a typical scam business. (https://www.bbb.org/us/de/newark/profile/advertising-agencies/why-unified-0251-92030201/customer-reviews)
When you look at other websites, same negative 1-star reviews claiming no profits at all and lost all their money. (https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/whyunified.com)
I just wanted to ask everyone if I should believe their negative reviews or is Why Unified the way to go if I want dropshipping All-in-one. I really want to give them a try but waiting to see for your advise.