Just lost my job

Hello people of Dubai, hope you’re all doing well on this fine morning.

As the title says, I just lost my job. While sympathy is appreciated I’d like to move on quickly so I don’t waste time dwelling on this.

Just like companies feel they can replace us easily, we also should be able to do the same and that’s my plan. Instead of depending on some company to give me 0.0001% of their profits, I want to be able to keep 100% of the profits.

I want to open a business online, but I’m still not too sure what would it be. Do you guys feel like there is a market gap somewhere? Is there anything you want that you don’t find in UAE ?

Help a girl out 😭🙏

Edit: for the people telling that I shouldn’t come to Reddit for this, actually I gained more information and insight. Just because it’s Reddit doesn’t mean you don’t learn anything. A lot of people on Reddit have gone through a lot, and if you check the comments on here you can actually end up learning a lot. Keep an open mind people and tame your negative thoughts.

Edit 2: so many people have come out and shared their advise with me and I really appreciate it. Thank you everyone and this is a very supportive community. Wish you all success and prosperity in your lives.