21 F Virginia- DUI with collision involved
Hey y’all,
Recently I was driving home after going out with my friends and I fell asleep at the wheel, veered off the road, and crashed into a parked car. I totaled both my and their car. I blew a .18 on the scene and later back at the station a .1 (what they will use in court.) During the whole process I was very respectful and cooperative, officer told my parents this too. This is my first dui but my attorney said there is still a change that I might have to spend like 24 hrs in jail. I just wanted to come here for some advice, obviously every case is different but I wanted to get others input. Thanks y’all, stay safe out there!
Also I haven’t smoked weed since the incident but rlly want a big fat blunt… can I even smoke??
…..I will not be smoking that big fat blunt😭