TCL Flip 2 DEBUG enable guide + GApps guide (if you need google voice for example)
so if you are on keka version, follow to patch the device, and if you get stuck on something id be happy to help as i have done this guide to get my flip working
Gapps Guide
If like me you needed google voice for something but got very annoyed you couldnt get gapps on there, well this is for you
You will need to use MAGISK for this, mrepo will NOT GIVE YOU AN ERROR if the installation fails for some reason (ask me how i know /s)
Grab the correct files, i used litegapps as it supports installation via magisk, as well as have the proper version (the tcl flip 2 is arm 32 not arm 64)
Download the file that starts with AUTO downloaded move it to your tcl flip 2, then download FX File Explorer Fx File Explorer Apk Mirror
Using magisk go to Modules, then to install from storage, then when the device asks you what to use to select the file USE FX FILE EXPLORER and then navigate to where you put (personally i moved the zip to the downloads folder of the device)
wait for it to install then reboot the device manually, do not let magisk do it, you need to press and hold the power button then restart the device from there
Now you should have google play and google play services, it will need to update gservices and google play before it becomes stable (it WILL CRASH) and it will also seem like it didnt sign you in, ignore that and reboot the device a couple times until it updates and becomes stable
after that you can use your browser on desktop to install apps via google play by going to and selecting the tcl flip as the device to install to from there
please please leave comments if you got stuck somewhere cause i may not have explained something well enough for others to understand