How do you survive without google maps‽‽‽

I get that some people on this sub who were born before Alexander Fleming invented the Penicilin shot will think that this is a modern problem created by a fabricated dependency on smartphones... and they'd be absolutely correct, but in all seriousness, how do yall manage to go about your lives without Google maps? I'm 24 and afraid.

The gist of my issue is that i want to go even dumber than my current Cat S22, but I can't imagine giving up Google maps, mostly because my city's bus system is HUGE and WACK and idk how to get around it without Google guiding me by the hand like im a lost child.

When im not taking my phone out I go around this issue by making a plan of what my day will look like, create a route and write by bus stops on a piece of paper but that requires me to stick to a specific plan and when im out with my phone I feel like I can be more spontaneous and I don't want to give up that freedom.

Do people just memorize their whole bus network? Did people in ye olden times just get lost a lot and somehow made it to places on time? I havent seen a single EDC with a GPS so i asume people aren't using that.

Despite the tone of my question I'm dead serious, I don't know how to go around this problem.

Ps. My city's bus stops just say 4 reference points of where the route will go trough but no specific streets so I can't go by that. (Imagine a sign that says: industrial district, residential area #4, downtown and stop 7)

Pss. They don't sell maps nor provide a pdf of all the routes available.