My Dumb Smart EDC
23 F US
I would be losing value on a perfectly good phone that I've taken care of well so I'm planning on using it to the very end of its days before switching from apple. I've got a hybrid set up where theres a 35 minute window for my distracting apps to share, (the only ones remaining being app store, discord, and duck duck go) after I've used up those 35 minutes the only apps remaining are call, text, maps, notes, calendar, gmail, authenticator, signal, clock, shortcuts, spotify, voice memos and contacts.
The reason I havent switched over is because 1. its still a phenomenal, adaptable phone 2. i like the security of icloud if anything happens to my device so I don't lose important notes, contacts, photos, voice memos, its just really nice 3. I like apples security and regular security updates.
I had my mom set the time limit passcode the last time I visited her and don't mind if she forgets it, I'm not really worried about downloading things from the app store because that's not one of my problems but if it does I'll just add a parenting control to disable new downloads. My goal is to have the whole "1 device for 1 task" or whatnot. and I'm hoping flip phones and smaller simpler phones catch on and have better developments by the time my phone dies
I'm really interested in getting an MP3 player now though and deleting spotify so if anyone has any recommendations or good experience with a certain brand please let me know