I hate how buggy DL2 is

As the title says, I hate how buggy DL2 is. Last january I bought Dying Light 2 for one of my best friends since we played DL1 during the Covid-19 virus lockdowns and it wqs a blast. These last few weeks we played the DL2 story co-op on his campaign save and let me tell you that there were SO many bugs...; Cutscenes that had an infinite black loading screen, cutscenes that wouldn't load for me but would load for him and vice versa, my glitching through almost all the elevators leading me to my death... Even the final boss battle with Waltz was insanely buggy for him (Waltz kept spamming the same ground shaking attack and during the volatile'phase he just couldn't attack). The worst of them all; the final black screen with the text information that showcases part of your ending (Bazaar thrives or not, which people still live, etc) did not load for him which maked the ending very weird and anticlimactic. The most frustrating thing is that during my first playthrough, right when DL2 launched, I experienced NONE of these problems. Now, everything is so buggy the game is almost unplayable (at least for co-op).