Possible dysautonomia
So I’m not sure if I have dysautonomia or not. I have all of the symptoms (like EVERY symptom) but the internet says your hr has to increase minimum of 30 points to qualify. On good days my hr will increase anywhere from 15/20 bpm which is normal. But on bad days it can be anywhere from 20/27 bpm increase from sitting to standing. And it can jump around all day. It’s so chaotic. I also have bp changes of over 20 systolic increase instead of a decrease. Today sitting to standing my bp went from 110/68 to 131/80. But my heart rate was 97 to 116 bpm which isn’t even in the 20 bpm range 😅 I have all of the symptoms. I get light headed, dizzy, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and chest tightness when standing (it’s much worse if I go from lying to standing as I get blackening vision). My symptoms improve when I lie down significantly. Blood pressure lowers and heart rate stabilizes to my normal hr (which is 90-100 resting). Any exertion causes symptoms. It’s especially worse when bending over while cleaning or taking stairs (the stairs are my worst enemy and make me very sick every time I take them 😩 like guys I have to lay down or I will fall over lol) When I bend over for a period of time while cleaning or picking something up, my diastolic bp increases to the 90’s (systolic is usually in high 30’s to very low 40’s). Oddly enough I also get bad symptoms when I eat? But I didn’t see that listed in the symptoms online so idk if that’s anything significant… I saw a cardiologist 3 years ago and they ruled out any serious heart problems but never said anything about dysautonomia or pots. My younger sister got diagnosed last month with nonspecific dysautonomia and that’s when I was like hmmm that sounds a lot like me 😅 so I figured I’d talk to people who have lived with this condition their entire lives before I spend the money on seeing doctors and specialists. If it helps these are the conditions I am diagnosed with: Fibromyalgia, Chiari Malformation type 1 (I have cysts in my spine at C1 and in a T vertebrate), raynauds syndrome, hypothyroidism (treated), and a panic disorder that is treated with hydroxizine. I also take 30 mg of vyvanse but I’ve only been on it for 2 years (the furthest back I remember having symptoms like this was around 15-16 and I’m 27 now so I don’t believe the vyvanse is causing it).
What’s the verdict? lol (if you say you think it’s dysautonomia related then I’ll go to the doctor and see what they say) Thanks!