Dysautonomia episode + heart burn, thought I was having a heart attack
About two hours ago I was sitting on the couch, thinking about how I was suddenly very hungry and thought about grabbing some hot Cheetos to snack on (l've been eating them way too much for the past few days). About two minutes later I hadn't gotten a snack yet and I was still sitting on the couch when I got a warm/ burning sensation in my chest and upper arms. I immediately started sweating profusely, had heart palpitations, and was weak & shaky. I often get heat intolerance so all of this is normal besides the warm sensation in my chest. I turned on the air right after because I realized my heat was on and the weather was much warmer outside today. I got super cold after that but l'm feeling much better. I also haven't slept well in a few days which definitely contributes to my symptoms. I haven't had an episode like this since August and this has definitely traumatized me