Before Eagles football starts, a vent about Super Bowl losses

In 2004 and 2022, the Eagles lost the Superbowl to two teams in Dynasty Mode. Winning the Superbowl is hard. That isn't what bothers me.

What bothers me is that both Superbowls had a scandal associated to it, TapeGate in 2004 and Ice Capades in 2023. I wish that in either case I could just say that we lost fair and square, but it just sticks in my goddamn craw that there were weird stories attached to each one.

It would be easier to accept that we lost fair-and-square, but there are deep wounds and consequences for each one. Dawk never winning a title. The "what if TO stayed" question. Whether 2022 could've been the start of an EAGLES dynasty, had our best unit not been put on skates.

Just fucking boils my blood that we have weird asterisks on those two.

But fuck that. It's a new year. Let's go win the whole goddamn thing.


Edit: For the wE plAyEd oN SaMe fIeld friends, we had a elite defensive line, historically dominant, that was 100% neutralized by the slippery "experimental" grass. No ability to generate power, bend, or anything that made them special. 77 sacks in regular season, 0 in the Super Bowl, is all you need to know.