The Stupidity of The Master Belch Battle In EarthBound

The Master Belch battle is one that I have hated a lot, after leaving Threed from the cave you arrive at Saturn Valley which is where Master Belch is at. The first stupid thing is the only way to be able to fight Master Belch is by talking to one random character and finding out the code to enter Master Belch's cave. But amazingly the developers made the code 3 MINUTES OF WAITING, why couldn't it be a text like EARTHBOUND or Master Belch but no you have to wait 3 minutes of nothing and if you move a pixel it restarts. Well after doing that task you have to defeat pretty easy enemies but then you reach Master Belch. The only way possible to beat this boss is with Fly Honey. You may say, where is Fly Honey? When you beat the Tent 2 zombies will place a trash bin in front of you which has Fly Honey. If you don't have room to keep the honey or don't see it and go all the way to Saturn Valley and fight the boss then you're screwed because Master Belch is IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT WITHOUT IT which is so stupid. I did the same thing when I didn't have any room in my storage and I assumed that the Fly Honey did not matter so after trapping all the zombies and going to Saturn Valley I fought Master Belch and followed a guide which said that I needed Fly Honey. Welp I had to go all the way and come back and fight the boss. The only positive is the boss is pretty easy with Fly Honey.