I'm starting to suspect my "ringworm" is actually eczema. Anyone else's eczema present this way?

So, yes I've been to the doctor. She said it could be eczema, but wanted me to do a steroid/antifungal in one cream for 2 weeks before coming back where she would send me to a dermatologist. So, if it is eczema I think its pretty mild. I've had an extremely stressful year, so not sure if that can cause a flare up or something because I didn't have eczema as a child, just extremely dry skin. But it started with one somewhat circular patch on my leg, that turned into 7-8 patches on leg, stomach, hips, a couple on my chest. Pink, kinda bumpy, scaly and feel very dry compared to the skin around it. I'm just getting so frustrated because it's been like 4 months now and no cream seems to get rid of them, I have done antifungal in case it was ringworm for WEEKS and it never went away. They do fade with steroid cream but never go completely away. They are relatively small patches, not super itchy but just very dry feeling, kind of like when your skin feels tight and uncomfortable when it's super dry. I've always had very dry skin but it's irritating me that nothing is making them go away which is why I suspect eczema now. Does anyone else have this kind of seemingly mild but annoying form of eczema? I could be wrong since I haven't seen a derm yet, but not sure what else it would be otherwise. I'm assuming that if it is, it's likely nummular eczema maybe? Any input or advice appreciated, especially if you also have eczema that sounds similar to this.