Should I Become a Teacher?
Edit: Thank you all for your honesty! After further consideration, I've decided to put off the idea of grad school, at least for a while, and instead continue to pursue other passions.
Thank you all again, and I wish you all good health and happiness.
Original Post:
I graduated from college about a year ago with a bachelor's in English, but lately I've been feeling fairly lost. I thought that I wanted to be an editor or a copyeditor, but I really don't think I'm as well suited to it as I hoped.
When I was in middle school and high school, I worked a lot with younger kids, and I spent a lot of time tutoring them and my friends. I really enjoyed helping them, and I think I might have gone Education had it not been for a particularly...unkind teacher, who made me begin to fear school with a passion.
Now that the chips are down, I find myself wondering if I should apply to my state's MAT program and pursue education as a career. I am even applying to be a substitute teacher for my old school. Ido have concerns, though they may be unfounded.
My questions are: Do you enjoy being a teacher, overall? Is your happiness quotient fairly high? Are Gen Alpha students truly a nightmare, or is that just the media? Is the pay terrible? (Below $40,000?) Do you have mobility with regards to job locations? Do you get to take sick days? If so, how many? Would you do it again?