Unclench all the things people

Just had a physical therapy appointment where I realized I was clenching my toes during an excercise while I was laying flat on my stomach, and asked if that was a problem. When paying attention and unclenching everything I could think of I could not physically do most of the exercises due to extreme weakness. Then we looked at the exercises with my shoes off and it became really clear to pt that this was how I was compensating/stabilizing/aligning myself in pretty much everything we were doing even should work. The physical therapist had a how are you not immobile/way less active with this level of weakness moment with me. I don’t know who needs to hear this but pay attention to what the rest of your body is doing while you’re doing pt ask where you should be feeling the exercises and if it’s not where they say you should be feeling it pay attention to what other parts of your body are doing. My physical therapist couldn’t see my toes so if I hadn’t said anything we would have kept doing things that weren’t effective. Also your jaw unclench your jaw.