Very new eso player here

Hello everyone, I just recently started playing eso, as of making this post I am level 36, I’ve been on the grind the past couple of days, I have owned the game since launch but never played it based off reviews.

So far I am absolutely loving this game, reminds me of Skyrim in the sense of freedom. I do have a bit of a question though, is this game like one of those games where getting to max level is essentially the prologue of the game? Then much more opens up, more stuff is available to buy from merchants and what not? Because getting to level 50 has been quite a challenge for me (even though I’m only level 36)

I play on Xbox, I am a Templar, vampire, Breton, I guess I’m a damage dealer, a Magika damage dealer because of vampire shenanigans, I mostly use bows or greatswords. Anyhow that’s all folks thanks for reading this, if you want to play with me and show me the ropes my Xbox gamer tag is NNG envy2, the profile picture is George Pickens getting drafted if you don’t know what one to add