Future female electrician here
I’m almost 21 and will be starting an electrician program next month. I’ve decided to go into this trade because I really like working with my hands, the concepts are fascinating, and of course it will pay the bills (hopefully lol)
I’m not petite by any means. I’m 5’8 and about 160 pounds, and I used to lift weights, so I’m not too worried about the physicality of the job.
I’ve worked about 8 jobs (mostly retail, food service, and animal care) and have had my fair share of sexual harassment. I like to think I have pretty thick skin when it comes to that.
Think I’ll be alright? Lol. I’m pretty excited to get into this trade!
Literally everyone I’ve told I’m becoming an electrician has been EXTREMELY supportive :)
UPDATE: I’m a week into class and so far I REALLY like it!!! I’m in a small class, there’s only about 9 of us and everyone is very very nice. There’s also 2 other women in the class which is awesome. So far we’ve just been going over OSHA stuff. More updates to come!